Monday, December 3, 2012

Realities of Employment in SSTLS

Nettie Fine - Socioeconomics & Global Politics 
(SSTLS Page 11)

Nettie Fine is currently employed outside of Rubenstein's America, working as a contractor for the U.S. State Department.  Her position isn't entirely explained, but it can be assumed that she plays a fairly significant role in permitting  expatriate U.S. Citizens reentry into the country.  This position allows for greater awareness of the socioeconomic and global political issues facing America.  She is indirectly involved, as her knowledge stems from desk reports and international social media devices. Mrs. Fine is working for the American Government, however, is critical of their handling of international issues.  She stresses (to Lenny) the importance of good Credit - attainable only through good employment.  It is clear from this conversation that the American Economic System is collapsing, directly impacting employment, and the welfare of low-income/ low net-worth individuals. 

MaKay Watson - UNRC, OnionSkin
(SSTLS 211)

The value of material goods and personal image is really captured in this exchange between Lenny and Eunice.  While shopping in OnionSkin Lenny asks Eunice why she didn't ask the salesgirl (Watson) for a job.  Eunice replies: "Are you kidding? Do you know what kind of grades you have to have to work at UNRC? And she had the perfect body too.  A nice round butt, but a totally boyish top.  That's so hot right now." It is apparent that to work in high-end retail, higher education and academic excellence is required. Retail is seen as a regular course of study by the female twenty-somethings in this novel, and jobs in retail are much sought after.  Eunice would value the opportunity to work in such an environment, and resents Lenny's lack of material/retail world understanding. Her desire for such a position, and the high competition among individuals for the opportunity to work in Retail is indicative of a highly materialistic culture. 

Lenny Abramov - Staatling-Wapachung
(SSTLS 68)

Lenny is dependent upon his career for two particular reasons: 1. to attain his desired immortality, and 2. Joshie's affection and reassurance.  Regardless of this dependance, his role in the company seems a bit detached, and he treats his position as an entitlement upon his return from Rome. Lenny happily flew off to Europe, where he lived comfortably off Staatling-Wapachung funds for over a year.  As Howard Stu tells Lenny: "You did nothing. You fucked around." The benefit of Lenny's long-term relationship with Joshie is apparent when he is docked 239,000 yuan-pegged dollars - rather than fired from the company.  Lenny attempts to defend himself, and his expenses, while knowing full well that Stu's words were true. 

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